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Advisor Resources

We have a complete tax update service for CPAs, attorneys, CLUs, CFPs, ChFCs, trust officers and other professional friends. The GiftLaw services are made available to all advisors as a free service. We are available to assist in helping you provide clients with clear and understandable gift illustrations.


McCallum Theatre Legacy Society

The McCallum Theatre Legacy Society recognizes and honors individuals who have generously included the Theatre in their future or planned giving. These distinguished members go above and beyond by supporting the McCallum's artistic and educational programming today while securing its legacy for tomorrow.

If you have included the McCallum Theatre in your estate plans, we invite you to join the Legacy Society. As a valued member, you will enjoy exclusive donor amenities, including:

  • An invitation to an exclusive Legacy Society event.
  • Access to special events, donor receptions, and performances.
  • Recognition of your generosity with a name listing in the Theatre's Fall, Winter, and Spring program books.

Your thoughtful planning ensures the McCallum Theatre remains a vibrant cultural hub for generations to come. To learn more or to share your intentions, please contact Thomas M. Head, Associate Vice President - Development, at 760-776-6164 or email [email protected]. Thank you for your lasting impact!

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